
How to Add Satin Trim To Waist of Lace Dress

Adding satin trim to the waist of a lace dress adds an element of elegance and sophistication to your look. Whether you want to dress up a casual or add just a little glamour to your formal gown, adding satin trim to the waist of a lace dress is a great way to do it. Here’s how to add satin trim to the waist of a lace dress.

1. Measure the waist of the dress. Take the measurement of the circumference around the waist of the dress and jot it down. It will be helpful when you come to choosing a correct size satin trim.

lace trim

2. Take the measurement and choose the right size satin trim for your dress. First of all, measure the waist circumference of the dress, then select a satin trim a little bigger than the measurement. In this way, it will perfectly fit with the waist of the dress.

lace trim

3. Cut the satin trim to size. Once you have selected the correct size of satin trim, cut it to the length you need it. Leave a few extra inches in case adjustments have to be made.

4. Pin the Trim to the Waist: Place the trim around the waist of the dress and pin in place. Pin the trim securely so it will not move when sewing it.

5. Sew the trim at the waist of the dress with the help of a sewing machine. Use a zigzag stitch to make sure that the trim is well-attached to the dress.

6. Snip off any excess fabric. After sewing the trim on the dress’ waist, remove any excess fabric. This allows the trim to look neat and tidy.

7. Iron the trim. After having trimmed excess fabrics, iron the trims in order for them to look neat.

Adding satin trim to the waist of a lace dress is a great way to incorporate style and class into an outfit. You can take it one step further by adding Wide Lace Trim along with satin for that ultra-original and striking design. Only follow these steps to add the satin at the waist of your lace dress and give it an edge over all other lace dresses.

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