
How To Attach Lace Trim To Hem

This is how to attach lace trim to a hem for that unique, beautiful touch on any garment. Be it a dress, a skirt, or even a blouse, lace trim is one sure way through which the finishing of these clothes can be done uniquely and beautifully. Here’s how to attach lace trim onto a hem:

Hem the garment. The hemming has to be on a straight stitch. Leave a few inches extra so that one might be able to readjust if necessary.

Measure the length of the hem on the garment and cut lace trim to such length. Make sure to leave a few inches of extra lace trim so that you can adjust when needed.

Pin the lace trim to the hem on the garment. Make sure the lace trim is pinned in place so that it’s even and straight.

Using a zigzag stitch, attach the lace trim to the garment hem. This step will secure the lace trim at the hem.

Trim extra lace trim, leaving a few inches to further adjust if necessary.

Press your garment hem. Place a pressing cloth to protect your lace trim from heat.

lace trim

Finish the hem; use a zigzag to finish it and keep this lace trim in place.

Check over the hem; make sure the lace trim is attached securely to the hem, and that the hemming in and of itself is even and straight.

Attached at the hem, lace trim gives outstanding charm to an overall garment. With just a modicum of patience, you can create a beautiful one-of-a-kind garment sure to turn heads.

lace trim

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